Train-the-Trainer Course

“We are YES”

Conducted by Youth Team of Trainers, with PFCI mentorship

“We are YES” is a train-the-trainer course for young adults on personal empowerment, mindfulness, and facing challenges with success. ‘YES’ stands for Young – Empowered – Successful, by appreciating all life and living, and cultivating mental strength, mindfulness, and wellbeing. We train volunteers to know how to use the YouHeal web app, e-textbook, and methodology for training groups of young adults (recommended age between 18-26y).

Training enhances the ripple effect approach “Attend this Train the trainer program to get empowered and equipped for training those that you can empower and equip with the mindset, skillset, and support”; experiential learning by using interactive activities, simulations, and case studies to enhance engagement; individual and peer learning; and mentoring to provide additional guidance and support.

Format: 6 x 30 minutes, online delivery. Within the training we use results and materials from the Erasmus+ project YouHeal on Personal Empowerment, Mindfulness, Coaching, Storytelling, and Methodology to teach and train others.
