Panel discussion on sustainable development governance, UNCCD COP 16 Side Event

UNCCD COP 16 is an opportunity to explore the governance of complex land management and sustainability challenges. Land degradation and desertification exist at the intersection of social, economic and environmental phenomena, including SDGs 1,2,6,13 & 15. 
While land degradation & desertification is a major threat to achieving sustainable development, governing land effectively offers enormous opportunities. This is at the core of COP 16 discussions. 
Power for Change Institute is participating at this event in collaboration with our partnering organization, Global Sustainable Futures Network (GSFN).
PFCI Vice President of the Board, James Balzer, is attending COP 16 this week to explore this complex issue. Importantly, he will be on a panel discussing governance opportunities and challenges for desertification and sustainable land management at 9am KSA time Friday 6 December. 
James will be joined by Dr Renuka Thakore from the GSFN alongside other esteemed colleagues.
If you are available, please reach out to James on LinkedIn or via email at

